AppleCheeks Full Time Kits
Price: $647.00 - $910.00
Full Time Kit - Size 1 & 2
This kit is the perfect size for three days worth of diapers for a smaller baby, and even longer for a bigger baby! Each kit complete with AppleCheeks customer service promise. 12 AppleCheeks Envelope Covers 36 rayon from bamboo inserts 1 Storage Sac, size 1 1 Storage Sac, size 2 10 Bamboo Wipes 2 Bamboo Boosters - FREE Full Time - Both Kits This kit is the perfect size for three days worth of diapers for a smaller baby, and even longer for a bigger baby! Each kit complete with AppleCheeks customer service promise! 12 AppleCheeks Envelope Covers, Size 1 12 AppleCheeks Envelope Covers, Size 2 36 rayon from bambooinserts 1 Storage Sac, size 1 1 Storage Sac, size 2 10 Bamboo Wipes 3 Bamboo Boosters - FREE |